
:game_die:Helpful notes on physics | An new era for my notes.

MIT LicenseMIT

My Physics Notebook

I have been taking notes on physics for many years. I wanted to build a knowledge base for myself to make sure that I can recreate as many physics as possible. However, things turned out to be much harder than I expected. This becamse a legacy project. I am only maintaining a few special topics, such as statistical physics, at this moment.

Related notebooks

  1. Statistical Physics <http://statisticalphysics.openmetric.org/>_
  2. Intelligence <http://intelligence.readthedocs.io/>_
  3. Neutrino Physics <http://docs.neutrino.xyz/>_

Structure of the project

├── README.rst
└── docs
    ├── Makefile
    ├── _static
    ├── _templates
    ├── _themes
    ├── astrophysics
    ├── changelog.txt
    ├── cm
    ├── conf.py
    ├── contributors.rst
    ├── cosmology
    ├── electrodynamics
    ├── exts
    ├── fun
    ├── index.rst
    ├── math
    ├── preface.rst
    ├── qualitative-methods
    ├── quantum
    ├── relativity
    ├── statmech
    └── vocabulary

All the notes are in the folder docs. Files or folders that starts with _ are supposed to be files of the notebook system. conf.py is the configuration file, where you can change the notebook title, authors, etc. exts is for plugins. All other files are the contents, where you can modify the notes.


sphinx-doc is required to build the notes.

This notebook itself is hosted on readthedocs.org.

In any event of development or reuse, clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/emptymalei/physics.git

Change current directory to docs:

cd physics/docs

Build html:

make html