
research experience sharing

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT



  • Prepare Python Environment
    pipenv install --dev
    pipenv shell
  • Prepare JavaScript Environment
    yarn install
  • Start Backend Server
    python run.py
  • Start Webpack Server
    yarn serve


This website is currently hosted on Heroku.

  • Create new app on heroku and connect the repo


This website is built on flask and vue+webpack. The backend located at app/* is the API that provides the data interface. The frontend located at src/* and public/* is in charge of the interactions with API and the user interfaces.

yarn install will install the packages specified in the file package.json. yarn build will generate the static pages and place them in the folder dist. Then flask will render these frontend assets live when we excute python run.py.


  1. gtalarico/flask-vuejs-template
  2. Flask + MongoDB Tutorial