STM32Doom This is a port of Chocolate Doom for the STM32F429IDISCOVERY evaluation board. The board features the STM32F429 ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller with 8 MB external SD-RAM and a 320x240 pixel LCD panel with touchscreen controller. You need to attach a USB memory stick (formatted as FAT32) to USB USER (micro USB connector) using a USB-OTG cable. The USB stick must contain a /doom directory with the file doom1.wad inside it. This file is the WAD file shipped with the original Doom shareware released by id Software in 1993. doom.wad from the retail version is too big and therefore not supported. The port makes use of the STM32 standard peripherals library, STM32 USB library, ChaN's FatFs library, ub's libraries for STM32F429 and of course Chocolate Doom. Compilation Using the GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors and 'make' just run: # make Controls The screen is divided into several touch areas with the following functions: Bottom left: strafe left Bottom right: strafe right Bottom center: back/menu down Upper left: turn left Upper right: turn right Upper center: forward/menu up Video Links STM32F429 evaluation board Chocolate Doom FatFs ub's STM32F429 Libraries GCC ARM