TWAI for ESP32 running nanoframework

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Please note: This repository is non-functional at the moment. Please star or watch it to get notified of any changes!

TWAI for ESP32 running nanoframework


The aim of this repository is to add Espressifs TWAI (aka CAN bus) driver to the nanoframework.
This is a work in progress and not yet functional.


Make sure you are able to compile nf-interpreter. Follow this tutorial to learn how.

Clone the repo

You have two ways to clone this repository:


Clone the repository into your nf-interpreter/InteropAssemblies folder


Clone the repository wherever you want and symlink to the folder in nf-interpreter/InteropAssemblies

Add interop assembly

Open CMakePresets.json and add NF.TWAI to your boards NF_INTEROP_ASSEMBLIES list

For example:

    "name": "ESP32_OLIMEX_preset",
    "inherits": [
    "cacheVariables": {

Copy the CMake module

Copy FindINTEROP-NF.TWAI.cmake found in this repo under Stubs/NF.TWAI to CMake/Modules in your nf-interpreter folder.

Build the firmware

Build a firmware image (in this case for ESP32_OLIMEX).
Observe the output. It should display NF.TWAI in Interop assemblies included

Use the library

Open your nanoframework projects and add a reference to NF.TWAI by right-clicking on the project and selecting Add Reference... and then Browse... and selecting NF.TWAI.dll from bin/Debug.

Install necessary nuget packages

This library depends on nanoFramework.Hardware.ESP32.
You can install it through nuget!

That's it. You can now use TWAI!