- 2
- 0
bad_cert, hostname_check_failed
#144 opened by N0tronic - 7
Bridge to Azure IoT Hub fails
#80 opened by frodecat - 1
dashboard : Request failed with status code 400
#140 opened by DxrMorgan - 0
bridge crash on gzip data
#141 opened by nrmohan - 0
emqx-bridge-mqtt start failed
#139 opened by happtim - 16
Bridge connection loops messages back forever
#63 opened by mspoehr - 0
- 0
Support bridge MQTT with TLS
#137 opened by duongxinh2003 - 1
一个 EMQX-bridge 可以给多个不同的 broker 做桥接吗?
#134 opened by gy8409 - 5
Config for Docker
#58 opened by beraybentesen - 3
- 24
"Can't be found from the inflight" log spam
#81 opened by louisburton - 1
#119 opened by yxlwfds - 3
Forwarding client data with client info
#113 opened by berayb - 1
Support for AMQP bridge
#120 opened by berayb - 2
no case clause matching error
#112 opened by berayb - 1
Bridge does not start in v4.1.3
#97 opened by louisburton - 10
- 2
Is it possible to get deviceid from publisher and use this as a variable in a topic in a bridge configuration?
#104 opened by frodecat - 1
- 1
- 8
"Start bridge failed." AWS IoT Core
#57 opened by sgoveia - 31
Rabbitmq bridge duplicating messages
#13 opened by radumazi - 1
Bridge stops working after sending a message
#79 opened by fuegas - 1
Creating a queue for each client
#64 opened by beraybentesen - 1
Bridge EMQX SN to Mosquitto Broker
#73 opened by saumilsdk - 1
Bridge connection not working after while
#61 opened by beraybentesen - 1
- 2
function clause match_acks_1
#38 opened by heyoka - 2
Bridge Keepalive Being Multiplied By 1000
#36 opened by brandonhudson - 1