APISIX Playground

This demo shows how to use Apisix together with KeyCloak to expose a service securely by using OpenID Connect for authentication.

  • Kind is used as the Kubernetes cluster.
  • KeyCloak acts as the OpenID Connect identity provider.
  • APISIX is used as the API gateway for exposing the service and handling the authentication flow.

To run the demo on your local, map local.httpbin.org to in your /etc/hosts file.

Create the Kind Kubernetes cluster

make create-cluster


make deploy-apisix

Deploy APISIX OIDC Plugin

make deploy-oidc-plugin

Deploy the demo service (httpbin)

make deploy-httpbin

Deploy KeyCloak

make deploy-keycloak

Create KeyCloak Client

make create-keycloak-client

Test Access to Service

Open up your browser and navigate to http://local.httpbin.org. This will ask you to log in. Once you enter credentials testuser/testpassword, you will be navigated to the main page.

APISIX OIDC plugin obtains the token and manages it in the cookie. You can open the page http://local.httpbin.org/headers and observe that X-Access-Token and X-Userinfo request headers are set.

Delete the Kind cluster

Once you're done, execute make delete-cluster to delete the kind cluster and clean up.