This project implements a dynamic notification center feature for e-commerce websites. It provides a user-friendly interface to display recent product views and notifications to users.
- Floating notification bell icon with smooth interactions
- Displays up to 3 most recently viewed products
- Persistent storage using localStorage
- Responsive design with modern UI
- Clean animations and transitions
- New product badges
The implementation uses:
- Vanilla JavaScript
- jQuery 3.6.3
- CSS for styling and animations
- Browser's localStorage for data persistence
- Automatically tracks product views on product detail pages
- Stores last 3 viewed products
- Displays product information including:
- Product image
- Product title
- Product description
- "NEW" badge
- Toggle notification panel by clicking the bell icon
- Include the required jQuery dependency:
<script src=""></script>
- Include the main.js file in your project
- The notification center will automatically initialize on page load
The notification center uses localStorage to persist viewed products. The storage key is 'notificationCenter' and stores an array of product objects containing:
- title
- description
- image
- productLink
- Small notification bell (🔔) that toggles to close button (❌) when panel is open
- Main notification panel with header "DISCOVER OUR DEALS"
- Product cards with images, titles, and descriptions
- Styled with a purple theme (#A34476)
This was implemented as an interview case study demonstrating front-end development skills including:
- DOM manipulation
- State management
- UI/UX design
- Event handling
- Local storage usage