
You can use this package for Travelling Salesman Problem-related optimization problems such as Route Planning, Delivery Management etc. I implemented all important operators of Genetic Algorithm: Crossover, Mutation, Elitism, Tournament Selection etc. I created a dataset which contains 20 points, and each point has X-Y coordinates. You can use this dataset or any dataset which is in the same form without major modifying in the code.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


You can use this package for Travelling Salesman Problem-related optimization problems such as Route Planning, Delivery Management etc. I implemented all important operators of Genetic Algorithm: Crossover, Mutation, Elitism, Tournament Selection etc. I created a dataset which contains 20 points, and each point has X-Y coordinates. You can use this dataset or any dataset which is in the same form without major modifying in the code.


  • dataset --> Check the training_dataset.txt file. Use same format for different datasets.

  • Change N, according to the point number.

  • number of generations --> iteration size

  • population size --> total number of chromosomes(solutions) in a generation

  • mutation rate --> it should be between 0 and 1. Usually, 0.2 or less provides better results.


  • Improved generation which has choromosome objects. Each chromosome object contains Node objects which have id, x and y values.
  • Best chromosome of the last generation. It will be shown in a graph as a path.
  • Costs | generations graph.