
Building lightning-fast applications lighting-fast with Redis

Building lightning fast Java applications using Redis

In this hands-on lab you will learn how to build lightning fast Java applications using Redis and some of its datastructures and modules. You will learn how easy it is to build extremely fast applications using only a minimum of code. The entire hands-on lab is self-service and is made up of several exercises. Each exercise comes with a working solution, so feel free to take a peek in case you get stuck!

The hands-on lab is hosted remotely via Gitpod.


  • A laptop/desktop equipped with a modern browser
  • A working internet connection (use corporate proxies or bad WiFi at your own peril)
  • Click the 'Open in Gitpod' button in the Getting Started section to spin up the hands-on lab on Gitpod (Github/GitLab or Atlassian account required)
  • The Gitpod instance will setup all required dependencies for you, including an IDE, no need to install anything!

If you don't like Gitpod, you can also clone the repo and work locally. In that case JDK 16 or higher is required, along with Docker and an IDE, e.g. vscode, idea, eclipse or netbeans

Required knowledge

We expect you to be somewhat familiar with Java but if you're not: don't worry, working source code is provided for all exercises in this hands-on lab.

Getting started

Use the button below to create a Gitpod instance and run this hands-on lab. This hands-on lab consists of multiple exercises, see the links below. Each exercise has a goal and a set of sub goals to achieve. A working solution is also provided as well as several hints in case you get stuck. Start with exercise 1 and work your way from there. Good luck and enjoy!

Open in Gitpod


  • Exercise 1 - Introduction to Redis (CLI and core data types): start
  • Exercise 2 - GUI: meet RedisInsight: start
  • Exercise 3 - Introduction to modules (RediSearch): start
  • Exercise 4 - Advanced data models (TimeSeries, JSON): start
  • Exercise 5 - Coding: Redis with Java/lettuce: start
  • Exercise 6 - Coding: Redis caching with Java/Jedis: start
  • Exercise 7 - Coding: Real-time data in action in a complete app: start


  • Stuck? The exercises have hints to help you!
  • Stuck? Ask your neighbour to pair with you!
  • Stuck? Every exercise has a working solution right here! (Except exercise 1, which is more of a walkthrough)
  • Still Stuck? Ask one of the instructors!



If your laptop has corporate restrictions in terms of installing software, internet proxies or other restrictions, it might be tricky to get this hands-on lab up and running, even though we minimised the required dependencies by running this hands-on lab in the browser via Gitpod. Asking the instructor may help, but we can't guarantee we'll get it working and we won't help you circumvent corporate policies.


Make sure Redis is running when running the exercises. During building this is not required as the integration tests support Testcontainers.


Redis Labs proprietary, subject to the Redis Enterprise Software and/or Cloud Services license