
Semantic segmentation of G-banding chromosome images.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Chromosome Semantic Segmentation


If you use the proposed model in your research or wish to refer to the results published, please use the following BibTeX entry.

    title={An improved denoising of G-banding chromosome images using cascaded CNN and binary classification network},
    author={Altinsoy, Emrecan and Yang, Jie and Tu, Enmei},
    journal={The Visual Computer},
Setup Environment

Cuda and cuDNN Version

  • Cuda 10.2
  • Cudnn v8.1.0.77

Create Conda Environment and Install Libraries

conda create -n <your_env_name> python=3.8
activate <your_env_name>
conda install pytorch==1.8.0 torchvision==0.9.0 torchaudio==0.8.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
conda install -c anaconda pillow scikit-image scikit-learn imageio pandas seaborn
conda install -c conda-forge pytorch-model-summary tensorflow==1.15
pip install ptflops

Cloud TPU Usage

To use cloud TPU run the code below to install torch_xla before running the tpu_train.py and tpu_inference.py files

!pip install cloud-tpu-client==0.10 https://storage.googleapis.com/tpu-pytorch/wheels/torch_xla-1.8-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl
Dataset Preparation

Classification data preparation

Before running classification_train.py, classification data needs to be created. To create the classification dataset, you need to run classification_data_prep.py file. Run the following command to see the details of the arguments.

python3 ./src/classification_data_prep.py -h 


python3 ./src/classification_data_prep.py --model=preactivation_resunet --weight-path=preactivation_resunet-20211012T1603 --weight-num=40 --images='datasets/raw_chromosome_data/'

Segmentation arguments

usage: ./src/segmentation_train.py [-h] [--model MODEL] [--pretrained PRETRAINED]
                               [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--epochs EPOCHS]
                               [--lr LR] [--device DEVICE] [--workers WORKERS]
                               [--weights WEIGHTS] [--test TEST] [--logs LOGS]
                               [--images IMAGES] [--image-size IMAGE_SIZE]
                               [--init-features INIT_FEATURES]

Semantic segmentation of G-banding chromosome Images

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                        show this help message and exit
  --model MODEL                     choose model to train
  --pretrained PRETRAINE            is the backbone pretrained or not
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZ            input batch size for training (default: 2)
  --epochs EPOCHS                   number of epochs to train (default: 40)
  --lr LR                           initial learning rate (default: 0.0001)
  --device DEVICE                   device for training (default: cuda:0)
  --workers WORKERS                 number of workers for data loading (default: 0)
  --weights WEIGHTS                 folder to save weights
  --test TEST                       folder to save weights
  --logs LOGS                       folder to save logs
  --images IMAGES                   dataset folder directory
  --image-size IMAGE_SIZE           target input image size (default: 480x640)
  --init-features INIT_FEATURES     init features for unet, resunet, preact-resunet

available models:
    unet, resunet, preactivation_resunet, cenet, segnet, nested_unet, 
    attention_unet, fcn_resnet101, deeplabv3_resnet101, pspnet

Classification arguments

usage: classification_train.py [-h] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
                                      [--epochs EPOCHS] [--lr LR]
                                      [--device DEVICE] [--workers WORKERS]
                                      [--weights WEIGHTS] [--logs LOGS]
                                      [--train-data TRAIN_DATA]
                                      [--validation-data VALIDATION_DATA]

Classification of chromosome and non-chromosome objects

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                            show this help message and exit
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE               input batch size for training (default: 20)
  --epochs EPOCHS                       number of epochs to train (default: 100)
  --lr LR                               initial learning rate (default: 0.0001)
  --device DEVICE                       device for training (default: cuda:0)
  --workers WORKERS                     number of workers for data loading (default: 0)
  --weights WEIGHTS                     folder to save weights
  --logs LOGS                           folder to save logs
  --train-data TRAIN_DATA               directory of training data
  --validation-data VALIDATION_DATA     directory of validation data

Segmentation training example

python3 ./src/segmentation_train.py --images='datasets/raw_chromosome_data/' --model='unet' --epochs=50 --batch-size=4

Classification training example

python3 ./src/classification_train.py --train-data=datasets/binary_classification_data/train_data.csv --validation-data=datasets/binary_classification_data/valid_data.csv --epochs=100 --batch-size=40
loss val_loss

Overall Evaluation Metrics

Model Params MACs Dice (%) Se (%) Sp (%) Pre (%) Acc (%)
U-Net 7.76 M 64.24 GMac 99.4998 99.5379 99.7306 99.4616 99.6664
Residual U-Net 8.11 M 67.39 GMac 99.7657 99.7649 99.8833 99.7666 99.8438
U-net++ 9.05 M 158.91 GMac 98.9878 98.1763 99.9079 99.8128 99.3307
Attention U-net 34.88 M 312.04 GMac 99.6272 99.6367 99.8088 99.6177 99.7515
CE-Net 29.0 M 41.89 GMac 99.7414 99.7416 99.8706 99.7412 99.8276
SegNet 29.44 M 188.33 GMac 99.7415 99.7511 99.8659 99.7319 99.8277
FCN8s (Resnet-101) 51.94 M 253.85 GMac 99.3271 99.3324 99.6609 99.3218 99.5514
DeepLab v3 (Resnet-101) 58.63 M 283.44 GMac 99.2612 99.2848 99.6186 99.2377 99.5074
PSPNet (Resnet-101) 72.31 M 327.25 GMac 99.3541 99.3847 99.6615 99.3234 99.5693
Proposed CNN 8.11 M 67.44 GMac 99.7836 99.787 99.8901 99.7802 99.8557

Threshold DSC Scores (Grid Search, Search Best)

Final Evaluation Metrics

Model Dice (%) Se (%) Sp (%) Pre (%) Acc (%)
Local Adaptive Thresholding 76.1106 71.8094 99.3036 84.3697 97.5273
Histogram Analysis 81.3935 79.8560 99.3562 85.4999 98.1877
U-Net (t=18) 98.1012 98.1355 99.9144 98.072 99.8397
Residual U-Net (t=187) 97.9031 97.8826 99.908 97.9306 99.8227
U-Net++ (t=171) 98.084 98.1604 99.9115 98.0139 99.8378
Attention U-Net (t=252) 97.8263 97.6727 99.9116 97.9905 99.8163
CE-Net (t=190) 97.677 97.6342 99.899 97.7274 99.8039
SegNet (t=173) 97.6706 97.6965 99.8959 97.6528 99.8033
FCN8s (t=109) 93.3623 92.2031 99.7601 94.5663 99.4357
DeepLab v3 (t=124) 93.1646 91.8936 99.757 94.4835 99.4186
PSPNet (t=180) 95.2566 95.1396 99.7966 95.386 99.6006
Proposed CNN (t=131) 98.0006 97.9824 99.9121 98.0316 99.832
Proposed CNN + BCN 98.735 98.6783 99.9467 98.7918 99.8931


Method Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4
Original Image
Local Adaptive Thresholding
Histogram Analysis
U-Net (t=18)
Residual U-Net (t=187)
U-Net++ (t=171)
Attention U-Net (t=252)
CE-Net (t=190)
SegNet (t=173)
FCN8s (t=109)
DeepLab v3 (t=124)
PSPNet (t=180)
Proposed CNN (t=131)
Proposed CNN+BCN