
Primary LanguageDockerfile


Steps I followed for the ubuntu-mongo image:

  1. Start Docker by systemctl start docker or the desktop application.
  2. Login to ghcr by:
    1. export CR_PAT=GHCR_GIVEN_KEY
    2. echo $CR_PAT | docker login ghcr.io -u furkanakkurt1335 --password-stdin
  3. Change working directory to the folder with your Dockerfile.
  4. docker build -t ghcr.io/furkanakkurt1335/ubuntu-mongo .
  5. docker push ghcr.io/furkanakkurt1335/ubuntu-mongo:latest

After these steps, you can load the image in a server with Slurm Workload Manager and its plugin named Pyxis installed by the command srun --container-image ghcr.io\#furkanakkurt1335/ubuntu-mongo:latest --pty bash.