Screenshot updated: 2023-06-08
⚠️ this config is a constant WIP,
and will change constantly as i continue to learn about nix. stuff will be updated, restructed, added, and removed quite often. please also note that everything hosted here is what works best for me, and could totally be ineffecient, or just a dead wrong way of doing something.
- fufexan - a ton of home manager, hyprland stuff, and some gh workflows
- Misterio77 - flake, and some other boilerplate
- NobbZ - general nix assistance
- MatthiasBenaets - amazing nixos introduction video
- sioodmy - general dotfile, readme badges, and hyprland stuff
- MatthewCroughan - traefik config used as reference
- seqizz - rustypaste config
- Yavko - ironbar config used as reference
- hlissner - security.nix