
Fall-2017 term project about deep learning.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Applying Deep Learning Algorithms

Hi! This is our term project in Gazi University Computer Engineering Department.

We will keep this repo up to date at least until 11.Jan.2018, which is our project's deadline.

Running with Docker

This repo contains a Dockerfile. If you build it like the following in this directory:

$ docker build . -t name_of_your_choice

You can run the image like the following:

$ docker run -it -v $(pwd)/src:/src name_you_have_chosen_above

After that you can go to the link which jupyter-notebook outputs to your console.
You should be fine in running the notebook now.

Best regards!

Abdullah Akalın
Karim El-Guermai
Muhammed Emre Emrah