
List of twitter bot ideas and implementations.

Primary LanguagePython

Twitter bot ideas and implementations

API + creativity + Twitter = awesomeness

In this repo you can find list of Twitter bot ideas and its implementations with Tweepy.

Twitter Bots:

  1. Random Words Twitter Bot - Created in January

Randomly combines word pairs from dictionary.

  1. Average Score Calculator Bot - Loading

Calculates average score from the replies of mentioned tweet.

  1. Trending words bot - Loading

Topic modelling application for tweets. Most tweeted words are categorized as topics with NMF and LDA methods daily.

  1. Viral Bot - Loading

Curated list of top tweeted url links other than top lists in Spotify and Youtube trending.

Set up notes

How to install Tweepy

First, check your Python version with python3 --version or python --version on console (terminal/shell/command prompt).

If you don't have Python 3 installed (if the above command fails):

Install Python 3 on your computer (https://www.python.org/downloads/).

If you have Python 3.6, you can just run:

pip3 install tweepy

If you have Python 3.7, run the following instead:

pip3 install -U git+https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy.git@2efe385fc69385b57733f747ee62e6be12a1338b

If the above command doesn't work, try replacing pip3 with pip also.

If you have Python 3.7 and want to use pipenv, use:

pipenv install -e git+https://github.com/tweepy/tweepy.git@2efe385fc69385b57733f747ee62e6be12a1338b#egg=tweepy


  • bot.py - This is the main file that includes all the logic.
  • helpers.py - Helper functions used in the main logic.
  • keys.csv - The keys and secrets from Twitter in the order consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token, access_token_secret
  • archive.txt - This file contains all the generated word collections and also tweets.
  • clean_words.txt - List of all words in dictionary paired with types such as noun,verb, adverb etc.

Starting the bot

python bot.py keys.csv