
TinyGP source code as described in the book "A Field Guide to Genetic Programming" (2008) by Riccardo Poli, William B. Langdon, and Nicholas Freitag McPhee.

Primary LanguageJava


This is the Java source code of TinyGP, the genetic programming software as described in "A Field Guide to Genetic Programming" (ISBN 978-1-4092-0073-4) by Riccardo Poli, Bill Langdon, Nic McPhee, published in March, 2008 (See also its Amazon.com page). You can also read my Goodreads review.

The code is copied from the book, and I kept the formatting preferred by the authors intact. Any errors and bugs that might arise because of this copying process is solely my responsibility and should not be attributed to the authors.

There are few differences between the version in this repository and the one in the published paperback version, because apparently a few bugs had been reported after the book's publication. The authors described those bugs and their fixes in the following blog posts:

As described in the book, you can compile TinyGP from the operating system's shell, using the following Java compiler command:

javac -O tiny_gp.java

As described in the book, if the dataset is stored in a file problem.dat, the program can be launched with the following command:

java tiny_gp

Otherwise, the user can specify a different datafile on the command line, by giving the command

java tiny_gp FILE

where FILE is the dataset file name (which can include the full path to the file). Finally, the user can specify both the datafile and a seed for the random number generator on the command line, by giving the command:

java tiny_gp SEED FILE

where SEED is an integer.

For convenience, the example data file is incuded in this repository as problem.dat. It is identical to sin-data.txt.

The URLs for source code and data file in the published version are broken at the time of this writing (25 January, 2024) but they are reachable on Internet Archive Wayback Machine:

Nevertheless, I wanted to have a copy of them in my personal GitHub repository, so that I can refer to them later. I also created a modern Java version of the source code by refactoring this original: https://github.com/emres/ModernTinyGP

Other relevant repositories on GitHub

There are also a few other repositories on GitHub that have the source code, as well as attempts at Java modernisation: