
A smally utility to monitor the Internet capacity already used for Belgacom Internet accounts

Primary LanguageRuby


belgamonitor is a small utility to monitor the Internet capacity already used for Belgacom Internet.


I have created this little piece of software because I'm a Belgacom customer and I have a monthly limit (25 GB). If I hit this limit before the last day of the month either I have to buy another 5 GB or suffer a very slow Internet connection. I was desparate to find a simple utility that shows me how much data I have used, preferably in a graphical way, but I couldn't find one (who knows maybe I haven't googled hard enough, anyway) so I decided it to roll up something myself using Ruby.


This program depends on the following software:

  • Ruby
  • Watir
  • Googlecharts
  • IE or Firefox web browser

If you don't have any of these installed here are relevant links and documentation:


If you want to have a GUI, you can belgamonitor_gui however this adds another dependency:

  • ActiveTcl 8.4

You may download ActiveState's Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit for Ruby from

but please make sure that you download version 8.4 and not version 8.5 or 8.6


If you were able to install the above software successfully then you are very close to using the program. Here are the steps:

  • Go the directory where you downloaded the program e.g. cd /belgamonitor
  • Edit the config.yaml e.g. open it with a text editor (Notepad, VIM, Emacs, etc.) and in place of the username and password write your username and password. Then save the file.
  • Now simply run the belgacom.rb file either using command line: ruby belgacom.rb Or simply by double clicking on the belgacom.rb file.

Important Notes

If you ever receive an error similar to

C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/ie.rb:113:in initialize': unknown OLE server: AutoItX3.Control' (WIN32OLERuntimeError) HRESULT error code:0x800401f3 Invalid class string

Please run a command shell (e.g. cmd) as an Administrator, go to the directory where AutoItX3.dll is and run regsvr32 on it, e.g.:

  cd C:\Ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\watir-1.6.2\lib\watir

  regsvr32 AutoItX3.dll

And hopefully you'll get a nice pop-up telling you that the DLL file is registered and now you can run the program without that error. Interestingly I found this solution at this address:


Don't ask me why.