
Simple http server that stores and returns easy to remember links for uploaded files.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Web Paste

Simple http server that lets you post any file and later get it via an easy to remember name (provided by golang-petname)


  • Run daemon or docker continer

  • Send something to via curl. This will return you a unique, easy url to download later from somewhere else

    curl -F "f=@your_file" http://address:port/
  • Use the given link in another computer to download


  • -p : port to bind
  • -d : directory to save files

Why ?

  1. I wanted to experiment with Go (Obvious from the code)

  2. During daily work, we fetch text/binary files from servers in order to later paste them as evidences in tickets, emails or to use them somewhere else

    Even though rsync/scp is de facto for such purposes, sometimes they are not the most practical/easy to use. Because:

    • Sometimes people have jump over many servers, with different credentials, causing them to traverse all hops for single file
    • Sometimes people access servers via Windows terminal sessions, vnc or even via conferencing tools
    • Sometimes, the easiest thing to access from multiple locations in a complex network is just an http server

Build Requirements

  • Go
  • Make
  • Docker (If wanted)

Build Steps

  • make


  • It does not clean uploaded files