
An easy to use library for asking your users to rate your app.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


An easy to use library for asking your users to rate your app.


[[[RequestRating alloc] initWithAppID:@"YOUR_APP_ID HERE"
                        andDays:0 andUses:3 andIntervalDays:2] requestRatingIfNeeded];

This code prompts a rating request alert after 3 uses from first day of the launch. If user taps Remind Me Later button, it reminds user to rate your app after 2 days (Interval Days).

You can also change the titles and messages of the rating alert by modifying the fields below in RequestRating.m

static NSString * const kAlertTitle
static NSString * const kAlertMessage
static NSString * const kAlertOKButtonTitle
static NSString * const kAlertRemindMeLaterButtonTitle
static NSString * const kAlertCanceButtonTitle