- 1
Allow partial date values in dateOfBirth
#94 opened by RuneBruijn98 - 0
- 0
Add identifier to ResultsOfRecognition
#93 opened by bbube-uni - 0
- 0
Introduce Duration - element
#91 opened by geirmv - 0
Add NQF to documentation of level
#92 opened by geirmv - 1
Adding enrolment to ELMO
#85 opened by geirmv - 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
Type of (unstructured) attachments seem not yet suitable for vocational and secondary education or enrollment certificates
#87 opened by SebastianSK - 1
Allow multiple grading schemes in one LOI
#83 opened by vmarkop - 6
- 2
Change Schema-Location of to https
#69 opened by MichaelLierath - 4
- 1
Use of Publications Office authority table URIs to increase interoperability with SDG, Europass and others
#57 opened by init-xbildung - 2
Proposals around a better use of ISCED-F 2013
#60 opened by init-xbildung - 2
Align name types and birth information about the learner with ISA Core Person or eIDAS minimum data set
#59 opened by init-xbildung - 7
Requirements to extend ELMO schema for usage by the German “Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung” (SfH)
#44 opened by GBacharach - 1
Express language skills with the Common European Reference Framework for Languages
#58 opened by init-xbildung - 2
Make identifier local required
#54 opened by bhellstrom - 11
- 2
Add informal training to the format
#18 opened - 2
Please add a licence to schema.xsd
#53 opened by borisheithecker - 3
Additional certificate-specific characteristics for German Upper Secondary School Diploma (see also #44)
#67 opened by GBacharach - 4
Additional three grading schemes for German Upper Secondary School Diploma (see also #44)
#68 opened by GBacharach - 1
Differentiate different types of courses and include information about courses being taken into account for the final grade
#61 opened by init-xbildung - 2
leading language as element of report
#63 opened by bbube-uni - 2
- 3
Person-specific characteristics of the “Learner” for German Upper Secondary School Diploma (see also #44)
#66 opened by GBacharach - 2
Add Results of Recognition to ELMO
#55 opened by geirmv - 4
Add Certifications
#27 opened - 3
Add authorizations
#28 opened - 3
Absence of LearningOportunityInstance
#40 opened by zak-michal - 4
Release changes from v1.2-preview branch
#37 opened by wrygiel - 6
- 2
- 5
- 2
New types of attachments
#50 opened by geirmv - 2
Add European Student Identifier to Learner
#51 opened by geirmv - 2
Cant generate classes from schema
#49 opened by dosjos - 13
Clean up branches
#36 opened by wrygiel - 14
- 4
- 6
- 5
Add language option for all content.
#24 opened - 3
Allow including not-passed LOIs
#22 opened - 1
Change elements "attachment/description" and "resultdistribution/description" to be unbounded
#21 opened - 2
New attachment type "other"
#32 opened - 1
Language on attachment
#31 opened