
vps initial install script written in bash

Primary LanguageShell


vps initial install script written in bash


If you have curl:

bash <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emreyo/vps-init/master/vpsi.sh)

or, if you don't have cURL installed,

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emreyo/vps-init/master/vpsi.sh
bash vpsi.sh # got sudo?

Here's a "one liner":

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emreyo/vps-init/master/vpsi.sh;bash vpsi.sh

Also, if you're not the root, append sudo before executing the script. Or, run sudo su. However, be extra careful when you're root.

As always,

Don't forget to check the contents of the script before executing it!

  • updates apt repos

  • installs

    • backup crons
    • vim
    • git
    • apache2
    • mysql
    • php
    • some php mods
    • composer
    • curl (maybe not the best idea... maybe you didn't download the script, or you used wget. i don't know. )

you can just get the file at url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emreyo/vps-init/master/vpsi.sh with curl and execute


  • backup crons