
This is a basic example of querying the RCSB PDB using the new (2021) search API with a python program and json file.

Primary LanguagePython

How to query the RCSB PDB using a very simple Python program and the new search API:

This is a basic example of querying the RCSB PDB using the new (2021) search API with a Python 3 program and json file. I'm not affliated with the PDB, but when I was learning how to use the new search API I wished there was a simple Python example posted somewhere so I made one.

You will need:

  • Python 3 (this was made using 3.7.2)
  • requests, json, and pprint (I believe you can pip install each of these if you don't already have them)


  1. Download the python programs and json file from this repository.
  2. Make sure all files are saved in the same directory.
  3. Navigate to that directory and execute the Python programs. For example "python pdb_api_query_example_for_github_json_in_script.py"


  • This was only tested in a Windows environment.
  • Again, I am not affliated with the PDB, if you have questions about querying or results you should contact them.
  • Here's a link to their "Web Services Overview" page with more info, a link to their documentation, and a contact link at the bottom: https://www.rcsb.org/pages/webservices