
Some Mandy Examples and assistance


Easy MapReduce with Mandy

Installation Instructions

We'll need to install a few pre-requisites (Hadoop, RubyGems, Mandy) first. We also expect you already have Java 1.6 installed, Ruby 1.8.6 (or 1.8.7) and some recent-ish version of RubyGems.


  1. Install Hadoop

    1. Download http://mirrors.dedipower.com/ftp.apache.org/hadoop/core/hadoop-0.20.1/
    2. Unpack into ~/Tools (or somewhere similar). We'll update the path next.
  2. Update your PATH and profile

    1. Edit ~/.profile (or other) and add the lines from ./PROFILE. This contains lines to set JAVA_HOME, HADOOP_HOME and add Hadoop to your path.
  3. Check it's working

    1. Reload your profile by executing source ~/.profile

    2. Show the Hadoop version by executing hadoop version. If this fails with an error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file you'll need to make sure you're running Java 1.6 (java -version).

      You should see the following: Hadoop 0.20.1 Subversion http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/common/tags/release-0.20.1-rc1 -r 810220 Compiled by oom on Tue Sep 1 20:55:56 UTC 2009


Mandy uses Gem Bundler which requires the latest release of RubyGems (at least 1.3.5). To update:

  1. sudo gem update --system


Mandy is hosted by GemCutter.org, it can be installed in two ways:

  1. Install the Gem Cutter gem: sudo gem install gemcutter
  2. Add gemcutter.org to sources: gem tumble
  3. Install Mandy: sudo gem install mandy

or, install directly from gemcutter.org

  1. sudo gem install mandy --source http://gemcutter.org

You should be able to run the following command to confirm Mandy is now installed: mandy