
Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. Accepts one of the following commands:

  1. my-tweets
  2. spotify-this-song
  3. movie-this
  4. do-what-it-says

my-tweets: Returns the latest 20 tweets from your personal account.

spotify-this-song: Returns the first song title data from Spotify. Based on the input.

movie-this: Returns the movie title data from OMDB. Based on the input.

do-what-it-says: Reads the random.txt file and chooses a command randomly. LIRI then performs the command and search based on the random line of input.

NOTE: Random.txt search term should be enclosed in quotes. Search term input from the command line does not require quotes. The input can be separated by whitespace.

For command line -

node liri spotify-this-song "White Christmas" 
node liri spotify-this-song White Christmas

For random.txt -

spotify-this-song, "White Christmas"

Getting Started

You should be able to download the files via our github pages link below and run locally on your computer:



Requires users own .env variables. This should include private API keys to access Twitter, Spotify and OMDB. The user will also need a Twitter account to view the latest tweets.

The .env file should configure the following variables:

Twitter -


Spotify -




The user will also need to run NPM install based on package.json.

Built With

  • node.js - Server side programming language.
  • fs module - File system node package.
  • Twitter - API access to Twitter account.
  • Spotify - API access to song information.
  • Request - Request package to access OMDB API.
  • OMDB API - API access to movie information.
  • DotEnv - Env package to control environment variables set for each specific user.


Please feel free to offer any suggestions. As always, programming is a work of art in progress.
