
A application for LGBTQ Flags in the terminal. Built as a simple project mainly for learning purposes.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Show LGBTQ flags in your terminal!

NOTE: This project may have updates. It may not.

The only supported platform is Linux for now. This program may work on other Unix like operating systems, however, has not been tested. Windows is not showing colours properly. This may work on the Windows Subsystem for Linux, although this has not been tested.


flag <flag_name>

Supported replacements for <flag_name> is:

Flag Value Description
list Show the list of flag values
lgbtq Show the LGBTQ 6 colour flag
agender Show the agender flag
aromantic Show the aromantic flag
asexual Show the asexual flag
bisexual Show the bisexual flag
demisexual Show the demisexual flag
genderfluid Show the genderfluid flag
genderqueer Show the genderqueer flag
intersex Show the intersex flag
lesbian Show the traditional lesbian flag
lesbian-comm Show the lesbian community flag
non-binary Show the non-binary flag
pansexual Show the pansexual flag
polysexual Show the polysexual flag
transgender Show the transgender flag

Building from source

This project is built in rust-lang. To build from source the Rust compiler will be needed. Please visit the official rust-lang webpage to install for your distribution here: Install Rust

This guide assumes you are in your home directory.

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Change into the flag directory: cd flag
  3. Build the program using the Rust tool Cargo: cargo build --release
  4. Then to run: ./target/release/flag <flag_name>

Optional instructions to install onto system:

  1. Use cargo to install the program: cargo install --path ~/flag

    Replace ~/flag with the path to the flag directory, if it was not cloned directly into your home folder.