An indexer for outboxes!
We use flextesa for setting up a network, with the smart rollup pre-configured.
We use octez-client
from the sandbox. By default this comes with one baker, and two non-baker accounts:
alias oclient='scripts/'
oclient get balance for alice
# 2000000 ꜩ
oclient get balance for bob
# 1900000 ꜩ
We can confirm the smart rollup was started successfully with:
docker exec tx_sandbox nairobibox smart_rollup_info
# {
# "smart_rollup_node_config": {
# "smart-rollup-address": "sr1Gyas9pW5FyUAmp7ewQYAc8q98PWWEF7SU",
# "smart-rollup-node-operator": {
# "operating": "tz1SEQPRfF2JKz7XFF3rN2smFkmeAmws51nQ",
# "batching": "tz1SEQPRfF2JKz7XFF3rN2smFkmeAmws51nQ",
# "cementing": "tz1SEQPRfF2JKz7XFF3rN2smFkmeAmws51nQ"
# },
# "rpc-addr": "",
# "rpc-port": 20010,
# "fee-parameters": {},
# "mode": "operator"
# },
# }
The tx-client
is a cli for interacting with the deployed Tx Kernel.
alias tx-client='../tx-client/target/debug/tx_kernel_client --config-file $TX_CONFIG'
And we initialise it:
. scripts/
mix local.hex
mix archive.install hex phx_new
mix outboxer --live --no-ecto
cd outboxer
mix phx.server