- 解析日志进行回放压测,模拟后端服务器慢等各种异常情况
- 客户端解析access.log构建请求的host,port,url,body
- 把后端响应时间,后端响应状态码,后端响应大小放入header头中
- 后端服务器获取相应的header,进行模拟响应body大小,响应状态码,响应时间
- 拷贝需要测试的access.log的日志到logs文件夹里面
- 搭建需要测试的nginx服务器,并且配置upstream 指向后端服务器断端口
- 启动后端服务器实例 server/backserver/main.go
- 进行压测 bin/wrk -c30 -t1 -s conf/nginx_log.lua http://localhost:8095
-c, --connections: total number of HTTP connections to keep open with
each thread handling N = connections/threads
-d, --duration: duration of the test, e.g. 2s, 2m, 2h
-t, --threads: total number of threads to use
-s, --script: LuaJIT script, see SCRIPTING
-H, --header: HTTP header to add to request, e.g. "User-Agent: wrk"
--latency: print detailed latency statistics
--timeout: record a timeout if a response is not received within
this amount of time.