
Search and find your robots

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Robo Friends


Robo Friends is a fun web app built with JavaScript that allows users search for a particular name related to the cards of Robot


Before running this project, make sure you have the following software installed on your system:

  • Node.js (v17 or higher)
  • pnpm (v7 or higher)


To get started with the Robo Friends App, you will need to clone this repository and install the dependencies. You can do this by running the following commands in your terminal:

git clone https://github.com/emvk09/react-robofriends.git
cd react-robofriends
pnpm install


Once you have installed the dependencies, you can run the app locally by running the following command:

pnpm start

This will start the development server and open the app in your default browser. You can then use the app to create and manage tasks.

Happy finding your Robots !!!