
This repo contains data and R scripts for the manuscript Frankia diversity in sympatrically-occurring red alder (Alnus rubra) and Sitka alder (Alnus viridis), which is currently being submitted to the journal Trees.

Files with .shared filetypes contain OTU tables output from mothur.

The OTU of each sample is contained in OTU_listfile.csv.

For GPS information, please see gps_plots.csv.

filename purpose
16S_frankia_output_.opti_mcc.shared output from mothur required for R analyses
16S_MAFFT_unique.opti_mcc.samp.shared output from mothur required for R analyses
16S_MAFFT_unique.opti_mcc.shared output from mothur required for R analyses
bac_env_sample.csv secondary matrix for 16S community aggregated by sample
bac_env_tree.csv secondary matrix for 16S community aggregated by tree
bs_tree_nifH_clean3.jpg revised Figure 3
clade_16S_labs4.csv clade labels for the 16S tree
clade_labs4.csv clade labels for the nifH tree
end_trim_2_MAFFT_993.opti_mcc.shared output from mothur required for R analyses
env_b_trees.csv soil data aggregated by tree for 16S community samples
env_trees.csv soil data aggregated by tree for nifH community samples
frankia-mothur.Rmd R markdown
gg_env.csv this was used to generate the heatmap from Figure 4, which was replaced with Table 2 during revisions
gps_plots.csv these are the GPS coordinates used to generate the ggmap object
gps_trees_dist.csv these are latitude and longitude coordinates for trees sampled
msh-frankia-alnus.Rproj R project
nif_env_sample.csv secondary matrix for nifH community aggregated by sample
nif_env_tree.csv secondary matrix for nifH community aggregated by tree
nif_MAFFT_out-samp.opti_mcc.shared output from mothur required for R analyses
OTU_listfile.csv list file output from mothur which shows which samples cluster into which OTUs
overview_zoom13_2.jpeg this is revised Figure 1 with transects and without plot-level panel insets
panel_zoom20_2.jpeg this is revised Figure 1 with transects and plot-level panel insets
plots.csv these are the original coordinates provided from the field crew
PP_specaccum_combined.jpeg revised Figure 2
RAxML_bipartitions.1.newick tree input files
RAxML_bipartitions_nifH.TEST tree input files
RAxML_bipartitions16S_2.newick tree input files
RAxML_bipartitionsnifH_2.newick tree input files read me file
nifH_end_trim_2_delim.fasta sequences in fasta format
soil_data.csv raw soil data by plot
end_trim_2_MAFFT.phy alignment file