
ResRobot module for Magic Mirror 2 - Display public transport departures

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A module for MagicMirror2 (https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror) which shows scheduled departures from public transport stop(s) in Sweden. The module uses the ResRobot API for which you do need to obtain an API key, see below.


  1. Clone repository into ../modules/ inside your MagicMirror folder.
  2. Run npm install inside ../modules/MMM-ResRobot/ folder
  3. Find your Station ID at https://www.trafiklab.se/api/resrobot-reseplanerare/konsol. Select "Location Lookup" as Method and type your station name in "Location Name".
  4. Add the module to the MagicMirror config
		module: "MMM-ResRobot",
		position: "left",
		header: "Departures",
		config: {
			routes: [
				{from: "", to: ""},	// ResRobot Station IDs of starting and destination station(s). At least one route must be defined.
				{from: "", to: ""},	// "from" is required but "to" is optional (set "to" to empty string to indicate all destinations)
			skipMinutes: 0,		// Skip departures that happens within the next <value> minutes.
			maximumEntries: 6,	// Number of departures to show on screen
			truncateAfter: 5,	// A value > 0 will truncate direction name at first space after <value> characters. 0 = no truncation
			hideTrack: false,       // if you get a lot of 'undefined' in the list set this to "true"
			apiKey: ""		// Your ResRobot apiKey

Get API key

You need to obtain your API key here: http://www.trafiklab.se, you want one for API "ResRobot - Pole Schedules 2". Registration is free but required.