This is an linux shell code sample for foglight restful api. Currently we only provide json version samples here.


File Name Description shell script contains the sample codes.
data-topology-query.json post json data for query topology.
jq a tool used for parsing json, please refer to next section for this tool.

JQ Tool

This is a 3rd party library for parsing json data. In our sample code, we provide default linux x86_64 jq tool. You need to download JQ tool from JQ Tool Download Site if your platform is not linux x86_64. Then you need to rename your downloaded jq file to jq and override the one we provided here.

Posting Data

If you invoke the restful api which contains post any data to the fms server. You need to put your json data in a file just like data-topology-query.json. And then call dorequest as below: dorequest <host> <port> <suburl> <authtoken> POST <file location> You can find a sample for it in this .sh file.