
sample importable genealogical Tree data for Gramps experiments and tutorials


sample importable genealogical Tree data for Gramps experiments and tutorials

  • 1880_Ingalls_Family_2024-01-10.gramps Gramps XML file - sample US Census data utilizing the Form addon
  • NEHGR_Moss_2023-11-11.gpkg Gramps XML file - example data for designing a "Register style" descendant report
  • Periodical.gramps Gramps XML file - Periodicals/Serials citations
  • RegisterClone_Moss_2023-11-11.gpkg Gramps XML file - similar to above
  • royal92.ged GEDCOM file - classic 1992 sample genealogy data by Denis R. Reid 1937-1998

GrampsPseudonymTree(27Sep2022).zip image

RelationshipsCoreBoard_2022-11-02.gpkg image

US_Presidents_2022-11-02.gramps image

countries_flags2022.svg image