
Twitter bot that mixes song lyrics

Primary LanguagePython

Mix pairs of song lyrics to form new lyrics.

Songs can be picked either by the user or randomly by the application.


Run tests with pipenv run pytest -v

You can enable console print by running pipenv run pytest -s

Code coverage: pipenv run pytest -v --cov=. --cov-report html, then access the coverage report at htmlcov/index.html

Skip slow tests: pipenv run pytest --without-slow-integration (see https://pypi.org/project/pytest-integration/).


Standalone scripts

Mix lyrics parsing artists from free text

pipenv run python mixlyrics_parse_free_text.py 'Madonna, Slayer'


Implemented using Flask

See: lyrics_mixer/rest_api.py and lyrics_mixer/rest_api.py.

Run locally with:

pipenv shell
gunicorn lyrics_mixer.rest_api:app


HTTP GET http://localhost:8000/: gives status

HTTP GET http://localhost:8000/mix/random: mix two random songs

HTTP GET http://localhost:8000/mix/artists/<artist1>/<artist2>: mix random lyrics from two artists

HTTP GET http://localhost:8000/mix/songs/<artist1>/<title1>/<artist2>/<title2>: mix two specific lyrics

Twitter Bot

Implemented using Tweepy.


Environment variables

Environment variables for storing auth tokens:





Environment variable for the database URL:



A docker-compose.yml file is available for running the PostgreSQL and Twitter Bot Docker containers.

By default, docker-compose will look for an .env file in this directory with the definitions of the environment variables listed above.

To build the Docker image of the Twitter bot:

docker-compose build

To run the containers:

docker-compose up

To run the containers in the background and support host restart:

docker-compose up -d


The file Procfile describes both the REST API app and the Twitter bot (as a worker).

Database setup

Enable PostgreSQL add-on on Heroku dashboard.

twitter_bot.py creates tables on startup.


heroku pg:info

should show 1 table (streamcursor table)

Keep awake Heroku instance

Keep awake Heroku instance by running a schedule job.


Every 30 minutes except between 2 am and 8 am, since Heroku force sleep free instances 6 hours a day:

0/30 0-2,8-23 * * * /usr/bin/curl https://lyricsmixer.herokuapp.com > /tmp/lyricsmixer-ping.log

Systemd Timer

Install unit provided in the heroku directory: heroku_lyricsmixer_ping.timer, heroku_lyricsmixer_ping.service

cd heroku
sudo cp heroku_lyricsmixer_ping.* /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl enable heroku_lyricsmixer_ping.timer
sudo systemctl start heroku_lyricsmixer_ping.service

Check timer is installed:

sudo systemctl list-timers --all