
I've created a little script which lets you practice your favourite challenges offline. After saving your session ZZ, it'll prompt the amount of keysrokes and leave you with some further options to choose, such as change challenge, rm challenge or quit.

Add Challenges

It's simple enough, I give you a short gothrough:

  1. clone this repository to wherever you like:

git clone git@github.com:emzap79/vimgolf.git .

  1. cd into it,

  2. copy text from vimgolf.com and save it as chall_< name_of_chall >.vg into directory. Be sure to copy the entire challenge, including both, start file as well as the challenges final version (as long as it contains "start file" and "view diff", you're save!).

  3. Make this script executable chmod 0755 ./vimGolf.sh, then ...

  4. start playing and save some keystrokes :bowtie:


< emzap79 [at] gmail [dot] com >