
The reactive engine and in-memory database. Can store and restore data to/from JSON files or MongoDB. Written in Go for Go.

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The reactive engine and in-memory database.
Can store and restore data to/from JSON files or MongoDB.
Written in Go for Go.

KORN = Keep + Observe + React + eNgine

Quick Start [ 5 steps ]

1. Defining

Define your own observable structure or structures.
Nested structures are allowed so you can feel free and have no nesting level limitations.

type User struct {
    korn.Inset `korn:"-" bson:",inline"` 
    Name    string `korn:"nameChanged"`
    Enabled bool   `korn:"enabledChanged"`

Use korn.Inset as embedded part of the root structure. Tags korn:"-" bson:",inline" are necessray required. Just copy and paste this line korn.Inset `korn:"-" bson:",inline" into each structure you need to use with KORN. If you forget korn.Inset or tags then your app will catch a panic. If your structure has nested structures, you only need to add korn.Inset into the root structure. You have to remember that korn.Inset contains Id and Updated fields. (Id field has BSON-tag "_id" and "string" type. Updated field contains the last commit date and time.)

Warning 1: Do NOT add your own Id and Updated fields to your structure. It will cause panic.
Warning 2: Do NOT change Id and Updated values - it will lead to errors.\

Tag korn contains an action name that will invoke when the field value changes.

2. Init Korn

Create basic KORN actors: Engine and Holder.
Bind reactions names and handlers.
Make and capture observable targets.

engine := korn.Engine("demo")
holder, err := engine.Holder("users", User{})

holder.Bind("add", addHandler) 
holder.Bind("remove", removeHandler) 
holder.Bind("update", updateHandler) 

holder.Bind("nameChanged", nameChangedHandler) // one regular event minimum requried
holder.Bind("enabledChanged", enabledChangedHandler)
err = holder.CheckBindings()

Basic actions add and remove and update must always be defined and bound. You can use more than one holder.\ Holders count is unlimited but you have to remember that name of the holder must be unique.
If you have many types of data then your scenario is "one holder per one type".

You can bind basic actions with single method:

holder.BindBasic(addHandler, removeHandler, updateHandler)

If you don't want to bind basic method you should use an empty handler:

holder.BindBasic(addHandler, removeHandler, korn.EmptyHandler())

3. Don't forget about data storing

Add one of two kinds storage if you need it. The storage using is optional.
You can use NO data storage then your data will be lost after your app close (it is a useful case for temporary data).

JSF - storage based on simle JSON files (one file per object):


MDB - MongoDB storage:


Call the Restore() method if you need to restore the last saved data from the storage.

4. Make and capture your data

Create and catch some data objects.
If you are using storage then captured objects will store automatically.

users := map[string]*User{
    "root": user("root"), 
    "bob": user("bob"), 
    "guest": nil,
holder.Capture(users) // capture targets 
engine.Activate() // activate the engine > reactivity enabling

5. Perform

Do something with your data.

user := holder.Get("bob").(*User) // get from the holder and cast to origin type pointer
user.Name = "Bob Smith" // do something...
user.Enabled = false // do something else...

Commit() method is needed to cause reactions and save the changes. Also you can catch errors from reactions.

err := user.Commit() 
if err != nil {

For your enjoyment you can make a wrapper for the holder and it provides your type casting easy.
As well all package methods return an error value and your code will stay clean ever :)

Full example code