
Tools to help learning Finnish grammar.

Primary LanguagePerl

These are tools for Finnish language learners, and are built upon the products
of the HFST, OmorFi and FinnWordNet projects (http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/kieliteknologia/tutkimus/hfst/index.shtml).

omorfi.pl			Finnish morphological analyser and morpheme generator
Repul.pm			support module for omorfi.pl
hfst-proc			backend program for omorfi.pl which does the actual work
hfst-proc.tar.gz		source code of hfst-proc
morphology.colorterm.hfst.ol	transducer file for hfst-proc to output the analysis
				in easily readable color code
morphology.apertium.hfst.ol	... in Apertum format
generation.apertium.hfst.ol	generate inflicted words from user-given Apertum format
fiwn				dict(1)-usable WorldNet database adapted for Finnish,
				effectively a comprehensive Finnish-English dictionary

The transducer files were built from http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/omorfi/trunk

hfst-proc.tar.gz is from http://hfst.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/hfst/trunk/hfst-proc/?pathrev=617