
This tool was developed to convert Json translated files from the project Mattermost to PO used in Pootle server.

To build

git clone
cd mattermosti18n


Convert PO -> Json

After you translate some phrases in Pootle server you can convert PO files to Json to test in your Mattermost fork.

1 - Download the last version of platform/i18n/en.json and web/static/i18n/en.json

wget -O web_static.json
wget -O platform.json

2 - Download the PO's, change the <CODE> for the languange code (eg. es, pt_BR, de, zh_CN, etc)

wget "<CODE>/mattermost/web_static.po"
wget "<CODE>/mattermost/platform.po"

3 - After build Mattermosti18n you can use po2i18n to convert the files

mattermosti18n/bin/po2i18n -t web_static.json -o new_web_static.json web_static.po
mattermosti18n/bin/po2i18n -t platform.json -o new_platform.json platform.po

4 - Now you can move the new json to your fork, again change the <CODE> for the languange code

mv new_web_static.json <path_to_your_mattermost>platform/webapp/i18n/<CODE>.json
mv new_platform.json <path_to_your_mattermost>platform/i18n/<CODE>.json

Convert Json -> PO

If you have a translated json file and you can convert to PO and then upload in Pootle server.

1 - Download the PO's, change the <CODE> for the languange code (eg. es, pt_BR, de, zh_CN, etc)

wget "<CODE>/mattermost/web_static.po"
wget "<CODE>/mattermost/platform.po"

2 - After build Mattermosti18n you can use i18n2po to convert the files

mattermosti18n/bin/i18n2po -o new_web_static.po -t web_static.po <your-web_static.json>
mattermosti18n/bin/i18n2po -o new_platform.po -t platform.po <your-platform.json>

3 - Go to the Pootle server and sign-in

  • Click in Mattermost -> (your language) -> webstatic.po
  • Upload translations
  • Choose your file new_web_static.po
  • Repeat this process to platform.po