
A Mini-ORM for Objective-C [Deprecated]

Primary LanguageObjective-C


ObjCMiniORM is a mini-ORM and database migration tool for iOS that works with Sqlite3.

###Getting Started

To get started, add the libsqlite3.0.dylib framework to your project. Then copy the following files to your project:

  • MORepository.h
  • MORepository.m
  • MODbModelMeta.h
  • MODbModelMeta.m

To use the migration feature, also add the following files to your project:

  • MODbMigrator.h
  • MODbMigrator.m
  • MOScriptFile.h
  • MOScriptFile.m

###Connecting to a Database

Create a new repository:

//creates sqlite database named data.db in Library folder
MORepository* repository = [[MORepository alloc]init];

//creates sqlite database in specified folder with specified file name
MORepository* repository = [[MORepository alloc]initWithDBFilePath:pathAndName];

//copies sqlite database from application bundle to Library folder
MORepository* repository = [[MORepository alloc]initWithBundleFile:name];

//copies sqlite database from application bundle to specified folder with specified file name
MORepository* repository = [[MORepository alloc]initWithBundleFile:name dbFilePath:pathAndName];

Open a connection:

[repository open];

Close connection:

[repository close];

###Working with Objects

If MODbModelMeta isn't being used for manual mapping, ObjCMiniORM uses certain conventions for mapping objects. These conventions are:

  • The class name must be the same as the table name
  • A primary key is required, must be an integer and must be named [table-name]id

Given the following object:

@interface Contact : NSObject
@property int contactId;
@property(strong)NSDate* addedOn;

@implementation Contact
//assume ARC and auto-syn properties

and schema:

	fullName TEXT, 
	addedOn NUMBER

new records can be added as follows:

Contact *contact=[][[Contact alloc]init]autorelease];
contact.fullName = @"Name";
contact.addedOn = [NSDate date];
[repository commit:contact];

or updated as follows:

NSArray* results =[repository
   query:@"select * from contact where contactId  = ?"
   withParameters:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1]]
   forType:[Contact class]];
Contact *contact=[results objectAtIndex:1];
contact.fullName = @"Change Name";
[repository commit:contact];

###Customizing Model Metadata

MODbModelMeta is used for manually mapping models and properties which overrides the conventions MORepository uses:

MODbModelMeta *meta = [[[MODbModelMeta alloc]init]autorelease];

//register a model
[meta modelAddByType:Contact.class];

//change the name of the mapped table
[meta modelSetTableName:@"tblContact"];

//change the table column that is mapped to a property
[meta propertySetCurrentByName:@"ContactId"];
[meta propertySetColumnName:@"Id"];

//change which column is the primary key
[meta propertySetCurrentByName:@"AnotherId"];
[meta propertySetIsKey:true];

//give the metadata to a repository
[self.repository mergeModelMeta:meta];


MODbMigrator is used to update a database. A MODbModelMeta object must be used to specify which classes are mapped to database tables.

MODbModelMeta *meta = [[[MODbModelMeta alloc]init]autorelease];
[meta modelAddByType:Contact.class];
[meta modelAddByType:Animal.class];

//requires an already opened MORepository
MODbMigrator *migrator = [[[MODbMigrator alloc]initWithRepo:self.repository andMeta:meta]autorelease];
[migrator updateDatabaseAndRunScripts:true];

MODbMigrator can also run script files. Script files are only run once and are tracked in a database table to make sure they're never run again. Thes script files can be flagged as needing to run before or after the model update. Any object can be a script file if it implements the protocol IScriptFile.

Script files are added to the MODbMigrator using the method registerScriptFile:(id<IScriptFile>)scriptFile.