ENA BioProject Registration

This script has been produced to streamline the process of registering many BioProjects with ENA in a single step. This is already supporting through the existence of the PROJECT_SET XML object. The main contribution of this script is to automate the production of this object from an input TSV, and to then submit this to ENA.

It is possible to run the script without submission, in which case the XML will be produced and the program will end.

A Webin account is required to use this script. You can register this here: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/sra/

By default, the script will submit to the ENA test service. All submissions to this service are removed after 24 hours. You should submit first to test and review the results of this at: https://wwwdev.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/sra/

Use the test server to convince yourself the TSV has been prepared correctly, then submit to the real server.

For assistance with the use of this script, please contact the ENA helpdesk, currently at datasubs@ebi.ac.uk


study_subs.py [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-s] [-i INPUT_TSV] [-v] [-g]


-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                      Webin Username: Webin-XXXXX
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                      Webin password
-s, --submit          Submit studies to ENA production, default=FALSE
-i INPUT_TSV, --input_tsv INPUT_TSV
                      Path to input TSV
-v, --validate        Validate TSV and quit, default=FALSE
-g, --generate_xml    Make XML and quit, default=FALSE