This app is currently deployed in Heroku. There are no visitable urls.

Implementation Notes

  • This app was developed using rbenv-managed ruby 2.6.7
  • Given the features being asked of for this Coding Challenge, I've decided that it is sensical to not save unused properties from EF Listing resource.
  • The Listing model uses very little validation in order to be as accepting as possible to the incoming Empire Flippers API response data
  • The listings table uses uuid as primary key since I've noticed that EF's Listing resource uses uuid as id
  • After downloading 1739 EF Listing resources, I was sure that an id corresponds to only one listing_number. With this knowledge in mind, I made the decision to trust the reliability of my Listing#x__is_in_hubspot in ensuring that a Hubspot Deal is not duplicated.


  • Ruby version: 2.6.7
  • System dependencies:
    • ruby
    • postgresql (with postgresql-contrib for uuid-generation support)
    • redis

Development Environment Setup

  • run bin/setup from inside the project directory
    • if the database cannot be created, either configure config/database.yml to use your postgresql credentials OR configure your postgresql installation to work with the current config/database.yml
  • run bin/rails credentials:edit --environment development to edit ensure that development env will work properly
    • you need to set secret_key_base
    • you need to set hubspot[:hapikey]
  • run bin/rails credentials:edit --environment test with the same considerations as well
  • run bin/rspec to execute the test suite

Production Environment Setup

  • install heroku-cli
  • run heroku login from the terminal
    • make a Heroku account if you do not have one
  • configure your ssh keys from inside your Heroku account
  • run heroku create from inside the project directory
  • run git push heroku master
  • run heroku ps:scale worker=1
  • run heroku run rails db:migrate
  • do not forget to set your RAILS_MASTER_KEY, so that Hubspot API will properly work


This app was developed by Emmanuel Natividad. Copyright © 2021, Emmanuel Natividad