
A rPy based programmable lamp, that make programming attractive !

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


BBLamp is a lamp that is easily programmable with the visual and drag and drop language Blockly. This project aims at teach programming to childs and people who are a priori not interested in that. Blockly makes programming easy and intuitive, and the lamp (with leds and sensors) make it attractive !

The BBLamp it self is a Raspberry Pi with a strip of RGB leds, a bunch of sensors and buttons. It is connected to your local network and is programmable throw a modern and intuitive web interface.

Warning : This project is not yet fully usable !
This project is very young but in (active) development. Feel free to contact me for any question, comments, typo correction or whatever...


$ git clone https://github.com/enavarro222/bblamp.git
$ cd bblamp

install depencies:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip insall gevent  # need gevent >= 1.0
$ pip insall flask
$ pip insall requests

Note: python-dev are needed to install gevent.

$ make get-ace
$ make install-ace
$ make get-bootstrap
$ make install-bootstrap
$ run webserver.py

activate SPI on rPy:

$ sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf
# add a '#' before line "blacklist spi-bcm2708"


  • install it on a std linux computer without any special hardware
  • install it on a rPi with led strip and sensors...

Require (Software)

for the wimote:

  • bluez
  • python-cwiid



  • jquery
  • underscore.js
  • i18next.js (internationalization)
  • backbone.js
  • backbone-layoutmanager
  • twitter bootstrap
  • bootboxjs (for confirmation/alert box)
  • toastr (for notifications)
  • moment.js (for date/time management)
  • mousetrap (for shortcuts)
  • ace.js (source code editor)
  • blockly

Components (hardware)

More comming soon on the prototype hardawre. For now it is:

  • Raspberry Pi
  • string of 25 12mm RGB led pixels controlled by WS2801 (SPI)

Warning. you need led drive by WS2801 and not WS2811. WS2801 strips have 4 wires and can easily be driven by a rPi, whereas WS2811 strips have 3 wires and can not be driven by a rPi. You can find it on ebay.

We aim to add :

  • light sensor (i3c)
  • humidity and temp sensor (DHT22/AM2302)
  • push button
  • PIR sensor
  • small mic
  • small speakers
  • wimote

Design, Files and directories

The BBLamp software is organise in three parts :

  • the lamp aplications (or "lapp"):
  • created by the users,
  • coded in python,
  • stored in "user_apps/",
  • based on python modules (hardware drivers ...) which are un "lampapp/".
  • edition app:
  • coded in javascript,
  • use Blockly for lamp app creation
  • use ACE for python editing
  • mainly in "static/" and in "templates"
  • the webserver:
  • serve the "edition app"
  • manage lapps (Create, Read, Update, Delete, and also: Run, Stop, Status)
  • manage a lamp hardware simulator
  • written in python (with Flask)

All important python code is mainly at root level :

├── api.py          # flask API to manage lapps
├── lampapp.py      # main class to create a BBlamp application (depend on config.py an then on hardware)
├── *config.py*     # configuration of available hardware
├── errors.py       # common lapps management errors
├── simulate.py     # lamp hardware simulator API
├── utils.py        # some helpers
└── webserver.py    # webserer main program

The main directories are:

├── blockly         # modified version of Blockly
│   ├── ...
│   ├── blocks      # contains blocks description
│   ├── ...
│   ├── generators  # contains blockscode generator
│   ├── ...
│   ├── msg         # contains blockly i18n files
│   └── ...
├── hardware        # python files for hardware drivers
├── lapp_output     # contains lamp app outputs file (used to communicate with the webserver)
├── static          # webapp static files
│   ├── blockly -> ../blockly # link to blockly
│   ├── jslib       # bunch of std JS libs
│   └── locales     # webapp i18n files (use i18next)
├── templates       # web app templates (flask templates)
├── tests           # ...
└── user_apps       # contains application created by users

Lamp app or a "lapp"

some requirements:

  • autonomous python program (only depends on "lampapp" module)
  • could be written using blockly
  • only one running at a time
  • is run as a service
  • metadata :
  • modification date
  • creation date
  • author
  • comment / description


#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from lampapp import LampApp
from lampapp.ledpixels import LedPixels

app = LampApp()

def setup():
    global on
    on = False

def loop():
    global on
    # blink
    if on:
    on = not on

if __name__ == "__main__":

Hardware managment

some requirements:

  • declare/get "what" is used by an application
  • declare/get "what" is availble (depending on each install)
  • (lapp) activate an hardware module
  • (ui) load blocks for an hardware module
  • (webserer) check if a app may be run or not (hardware available)
  • configure hardware (ex: number of led)
  • switch between different hardware (simulation or not)
  • user (app) declare what a need (class name)
  • root declare available class

Specify needed hardware for an application:

An application require some hardware with : app.need("hardware_name"), ex:

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from lampapp import LampApp

app = LampApp()
# load a hardware driver which is declared in hardware.conf


Note: it is possible to list all needed hardware of a application:

$ python ./my_application.py --list-hardware"

Specify (and configure) available hardware on a specific installation:

All is in config.py, ex:


from hardware.lamp import LedPixels
from hardware.ar_i2c import ArI2C, ArBpRouge, ArSwBand, ArSwFct, ArVolume
from hardware.ar_i2c import ArGauge

# declaration of available hardware
hardware = {
    "lamp": LedPixels(32),
    "gauge": ArGauge(),
    "bp_rouge": ArBpRouge(),
    "sw_band": ArSwBand(),
    "volume": ArVolume(),
    "sw_fct": ArSwFct(),

Create a spécific hardware driver:


inheritage of abstract class : BBLampHarware, with some default attribute name ('lamp', 'wiimote', ...)

BBLamp custom blocks

Here is the description of BBLamp specific blocks.

  • setup: run the action when application is run, before everything else.
  • every: periodically perform an action.
  • wait: make a pause of a given time
  • on

For the WiMote:

  • start rumble
  • stop rumble
  • on button {1, 2, A, B, HAUT, BAS, GAUCHE, DROITE} push

lapp web editor/manager


  • create a new lapp
  • edit a lapp directly in python
  • edit a lapp with blockly
  • delete a lapp (with confirmation)
  • run a lapp
  • stop the running lapp
  • view which lapp is running (if any)
  • view running lapp log (std+err), in live
  • view last run(s) log (std+err)
  • set a lapp to be run on startup

Also some requirements:

  • no "database": all metadata are in a .info file
  • stdout/stderr/status are redirected in files in the dir : "lapp_out"

Similar projects:


  • UI: bug on chrome (at least) short cut don't work after "some time"
  • hard: cleaner power plugs
  • hard: manage DHT22
  • UI: manage loading
  • UI: template JS dans un fichier static ?
  • H UI: new lapp (popup with form to choose the name)
  • H UI: prevent quit without save
  • UI: indicate short cut in UI
  • UI: make lang change view
  • UI: menu to switch to python/blocly
  • UI: rename (popup with form to choose the name) => create delete (if delete fail, then delate new)
  • UI: blockly: add "lapp_every_ms"
  • UI: blockly: add "pause of TIME milliseconds"
  • UI: blockly: make "block bags"
  • UI: blockly: add an HSV color builder
  • UI: blockly: add a block "number of leds"
  • UI: blockly: i18n automatic load good i18n js file
  • UI: blockly: variables blocs and trunon/turnoff have same color
  • UI: run/stop/etc... check ajax call error
  • UI: remove an app (with confirmation)
  • UI: discard changes (with confirmation)
  • UI: (BUG) event may deconect
  • UI: (BUG) when no lapps
  • UI: remaster the layout : editor full width, except when simulator on right
  • UI: clean simulator model (and view)
  • UI: front page: list of apps in full width
  • UI: unified run/status menu View (with both model = status, collection = lapp_collection)
  • UI: unactivate run when already running ...
  • server: integration with nginx (http://salem.harrache.info/application-wsgi-avec-gevent-et-nginx.html)
  • server: use Flask-Classy ClassView to simplify the API blueprint http://pythonhosted.org/Flask-Classy/
  • server: clean start/stop/status responses (API)
  • server: (BUG) monitoring of msg is not the same than log...
  • server: lapp list alpha order by default
  • H lapp: add a push button (simu first)
  • lapp: better error message when invalid "lnum"
  • lapp: add push button (GPIO)
  • lapp: fix issue with GPIO not as root
  • lapp: GPIO how to do with interupt ?
  • lapp: add kill signal catch to lapp, log it correctly before to quit
  • lapp: add i2c sensors
  • lapp: add DHT22 sensors
  • lapp: rPy system sensor ? temperature... http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/357/how-do-i-monitor-and-or-control-the-temperature-of-the-soc http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/9105/raspberry-pi-onboard-temp-sensors-in-raspbianwheezy

Long or middle term:

  • server: add the number of connected client in status
  • server: add the names of connected client in status
  • server: manage (simply) concurrent edition
  • server: get lapp SyntaxError back to UI
  • UI: manage lapp metadata (author, comment)
  • UI: log & output: manage the history, list, clear
  • UI: use require.js
  • server: store lapp in a local git repo (so store history)
  • lapp/server: manage hardware (what present, what needed)
  • install a demo version on a public server (with pswd)


  • lapp: check color correction
  • hard: how many amp for led ? ==> up to 60mA per LED => 1500 mA for 25 leds
  • UI: add ctrl-* shortcuts http://craig.is/killing/mice
  • UI: editor ace: autocompletion
  • lapp: move to event based ! (every k sec, on button pressed, etc...)
  • lapp: reset led on exit
  • lapp: lamp start led id at 1 not at 0
  • UI: blockly: add a "wait" bloc
  • UI: blockly: i18n custom blocks
  • UI: blockly: add "setup" block
  • UI: blockly: fork => svn export & git add
  • UI: update run time in status view
  • UI: BUG fix VagueTime 1h hour diff !
  • UI: i18n avec i18next
  • UI: lapp started time "since" : https://github.com/philbooth/vagueTime.js
  • UI: change editor style when readonly
  • UI: log & outout popup
  • UI: switch between two editors
  • UI: change app mode (from_blockly)
  • UI: confirmation and error msg with http://bootboxjs.com/
  • UI: blockly: BUG allow more than one "every" block
  • UI: blockly: change all code generation for colors
  • UI: blockly: auto-resize
  • UI: blockly: first integration (no translation, no save/load)
  • UI: blockly: save/load
  • UI: blockly: python translation (python read-only)
  • UI: blockly: Lapp basic custom block
  • UI: blockly: add "count for "i" in ..."
  • UI: blockly: change blocks color (more saturation) -> same than bootstrap (cf core/blockly.js:79)
  • UI: blockly: add "trun on light ID to color COLOR", "trun off light ID"
  • UI: use twitter bootstrap
  • UI: (BUG) ace editor: height error when open a lapp
  • UI: reorganise views in a different js file
  • UI: integrate backbone-layout in the git repo
  • UI: JS lib in a subdir
  • UI: add lapp button in a proper View
  • UI: make LappPythonCodeEditor view
  • UI: make a LappSaveView
  • UI: close a lapp
  • UI: make a LappView use sub views (and manage leaks)
  • UI: test backbone layout manager plugin
  • server: (BUG) on read log file
  • server: manage save
  • server: manage .info file
  • server: isolate lapp management API in a blueprint, with separete url with version
  • server: manage list/new/get/update for lamp app (API)
  • UI: basic HTML/JS interface (backbone)x
  • UI: add python editor on interface