
Terraform provider for managing Enclave

Primary LanguageGo


Welcome to the Enclave Terraform Provider repository. This provider gives access to most functions of the Enclave Api. The documentation on the terraform registry will be the most up to date, but for a basic getting started guide please check below!

Getting Started

First add the following to your .tf file and then run terraform init to pull down the required files. From here you can provision enclave resources using these Documentation as a guide!

terraform {
  required_providers {
    enclave = {
      source = "enclave-networks/enclave"

variable "enclave_token" {
    type      = string
    nullable  = false
    sensitive = true

provider "enclave" {
    token = var.enclave_token



If you have any issues please provide log messages if possible and head over to the Issues tab to create an issue for us. Same can be said for features but don't worry you won't need any logs!

Local Testing

  • run go build to generate an executable for terraform to use

  • then add the following to %APPDATA%/terraform.rc replacing <PATH> with the path to this repo such as C:\\git\\enclave\\terraform-provider-enclave

    provider_installation {
      dev_overrides {
          "enclave-networks/enclave" = "<PATH>"
      # For all other providers, install them directly from their origin provider
      # registries as normal. If you omit this, Terraform will _only_ use
      # the dev_overrides block, and so no other providers will be available.
      direct {}