
Django boiler plate code for any generic SAAS tool

Primary LanguagePython


  • This django project is meant to serve as a boilerplate code for building any saas tool

  • The directory saas serves as a django app with all the boilerplate code

  • django-rest-framework is used for authentication and creating apis. Please refer to this if not familiar with django-rest-framework since this project heavily relies on it.

  • business logic for all APIs is present in serializers.

  • to use this as a library, refer to this


curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8000/saas/signup' -d '{"business": {"name": "test inc"}, "email": "test@test.com", "first_name": "sankalp", "last_name": "jonna", "password1": "pleasepass", "password2": "pleasepass"}' -H "Content-type: application/json"


curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8000/saas/login' -d '{"email": "test@test.com", "password": "pleasepass"}' -H "Content-type: application/json"

Reset password

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8000/saas/passwd/reset' -d '{"email": "test@test.com"}' -H "Content-type: application/json"

Reset password confirmation

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8000/saas/passwd/reset/cnfrm' -d '{"activation_key": "<activation_key>", "password1": "sankalp", "password2": "sankalp"}' -H "Content-type: application/json"


curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8000/saas/me' -H "Authorization: Token <token>"


curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8000/saas/invite' -H "Authorization: Token 534fe89f5d6b9ff214e8883d7b9664177002056a" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"email": "test5@test.com"}'

Prefill Signup form

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:8000/saas/signup/prefill?key=<activation_key>'

Using as a library

If you feel that the current functionality is enough and you wish to simply use the saas app in your existing django project, follow these steps


pip install git+https://github.com/sankalpjonn/simple-saas

add saas and rest_framework to INSTALLED_APPS



add rest_framework settings


run migrations

python manage.py migrate

add to urls.py

in the root urls, add

urlpatterns = [
	url(r'^', include('django.contrib.auth.urls')),
	url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
    url(r'^saas/', include('saas.urls')),