ShellAnything is a C++ open-source software which allow one to easily customize and add new options to *Windows Explorer* context menu. Define specific actions when a user right-click on a file or a directory.
- abdallahynajar
- bdicks37
- BrantDna
- camdenjohnnic
- Cirn09
- codehzChina
- DessertArbiterUnited States
- deunleeSouth Korea
- dev-frog@Neovotech
- Dmitry-Gorohov
- EfreakLos Angeles
- GasDauMinLithuania
- gfbtsShenzhen, China
- gxwum7
- haverdaden
- hugmatjBeard Brother Services
- hyperiongeoHyperion GeoServices Corp.
- imlinhanchaoBYD
- kayaocalTaleworlds Entertainment
- krisu5
- kSpacer201
- Leonard1980ResurseSoft
- luorussell
- MESLewis
- n8er11
- nelixmelbourne, australia
- OxideKilo
- PharrellWANGHong Kong
- qudix
- robert-boulangerwww.scinteco.com
- Roze061
- stdexception
- tanner-cUnited States
- xomniversex
- zbalkanTallinn, Estonia
- Zenhehe