
Create stub urls to test external API integration

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

StubOnWeb Build Status

Create stub urls to test external API integration

Try it on http://stubonweb.herokuapp.com


  • Install elixir, mongodb

  • To start your app:

      mix deps.get
      mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
      mix phoenix.server
  • Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

  • Ready to run in production? Please check phoenix deployment guides.


You can raise issues and feature requests on github

If you can code, please fork the repo and raise a pull request


Why yet another stub?

StubOnWeb is built to ease the manual testing of multiple scenarios of our service integration with other system's API. The existing web solutions suffer from one or more of the problems listed below

  • Doesn't allow to choose your own path for url so it is easy to remember
  • Doesn't allow to edit the response. Only way to test multiple scenarios is to create new url and update your app config and restart your services. Oh.. too much work!
  • Change requests for new features take longer time. Their tech stack was new and less fun for me to learn & contribute
  • Doesn't allow to inspect last few requests for the url
  • Over engineered UI / work-flow for the job

And I was learning elixir. This was simple enough and fun to try out!

Thanks to

  • Awesome people behind elixir, phoenix and other libraries in the ecosystem
  • Service providers heroku and mongolabs for their free tier service


MIT License


  • Ability to add custom templates via config
  • 404 page to redirect to add new url
  • Responsive mobile friendly UI?


  • Low test coverage
  • Duplicated markup for adding response headers

Laziness and curiosity to see it working has been the reason for above sins. Plan to clean up if more people want to make changes to this code.