
HTML/CSS/JS version of the solitaire variation FreeCell

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FreeCell (DOM version)

After creating <canvas>-based versions of Klondike and FreeCell, I decided that they didn't provide enough player feedback. Double-clicking a card to play on a foundation immediately displayed the card at the target location, with no animation indicating the action. Similarly when turning cards from a talon -> waste pile. The lack of animation wasn't quite so bad when dropping cards, since the cards were usually so close to the target location, it was more obvious when they "snapped" into place. However, more animation directing the player's attention is always nice. Since I didn't use a pre-existing game framework for the <canvas>-rendering, I would have had to write an animation engine, which I am too lazy to do. I also have a strong case of NIH when working on personal projects, so decided to try the challenge of rewriting the card game engine using the DOM, such that I could use 3D transforms and transitions (for "free"). The final confirmation that I would go ahead with this rewrite was when I discovered I could still create the "card waterfall" effect: by having a <canvas> background, animating a single card element (with an <img> to represent the card face) and drawing the trail by using the <img> as a data source for context.drawImage.


  • Get card overlap offsets and delayed animation working
  • Animate highlight when card is placed in foundation
  • Method to add a child card to a cascade, which animates moving the card to its correct position, and sets the z-index on all the child cards such that they overlap correctly.
  • Set z-index on grabbed cards (including children) to be a high value, so they are displayed on top of other cards
  • Copy resizing code
  • Add transparent canvas background which is resized same as tableau
    • canvas is there, need to size it properly
  • Don't grab until the card is actually moved?
  • Ensure lower z-index is set on cards placed in cells/foundations, such that dragged cards don't go "under"
  • Ensure that when grabbed cards have an invalid move, and are moved back to their parent, their z-indices are reset back down as well
  • BUG: when double-clicking Ace from a cascade, it is played to a foundation, but not removed from the cascade; cascade.lastCard still points to it
  • double-click to play is jankity -- doesn't always work because you have to keep the mouse perfectly still
  • coming back after a while (after screensaver activates?) spreads placed cards in foundations/cells...
    • This might be a macOS-specific thing; multiple resize events are happening in the logs
    • however, if I resize manually, the cards placed in foundations don't spread... that's a lie, it totally does
  • change double-click to require clicks to be close to each other -- otherwise you get some weird double-clicks where they are actually farther apart and it seems unintentional
  • Get touch input
  • card waterfall
  • Add undo stack
  • Verify "size" objects & collision detection (!!!) -> this seems to be causing a bug where double-clicking a card drops it on a foundation, but the card doesn't move -> probably should add some tests for this -> breakthru I think this is actually happening only on first move, before the grabbed object updates its position. If a card is clicked but not moved enough, grabbed stays at (0, 0), which would naturally overlap the first foundation (if the window is narrow enough). The grabbed.drop behavior changes based on whether the moved flag is set or not. I think the solution might be to update the grabbed object's position?
  • Scrollbars appear on the page; figure out what is causing them
  • Make cards taller, for better play on mobile; also need larger numbers/suits
  • double-clicked cards moving to foundations still go "under" other cards; their z-indices aren't set high enough
  • fix undo to handle reverting multiple cards
  • rework the background graphics for cells/foundations
  • Add status bar with timer/allowed cards you can grab
  • Add menu bar
  • fix card waterfall on hidpi screens
  • make double-click "distance" more generous
  • add method to card to manually set to face up or face down
    • "reset" method should make everything face down
  • fix menu bar on mobile -- for some reason the event handlers don't work
  • Cards are still animating under when double-click
  • Ensure that "movable cards" counter updates properly
  • Add delayed animation to moving grabbed object so cards swirl around as they are moved
    • this is problematic using delays, because each time the player moves the cursor, the delay is reset -- therefore the child cards don't actually move until the cursor stops
  • BUG: if clicking the canvas immediately after waterfall is fired and before a double-clicked card is animated, a TypeError gets generated because resetZIndex is called on the card after a 250ms delay, but reset() has already been called by the game, which removes all parent references. Solution: delay game win check by 250ms
  • Ensure status/menu bars look good on portrait/landscape desktop/mobile
    • can use orientation media queries for different height values
  • Add metadata/icon
  • service worker for offline access
    • ensure all relevant files are listed for cache
  • Add padding to status bar to prevent curved screen corners from cutting off content
  • Add "about" page with games played/won stats
  • Make collision detection slightly less aggressive and/or determine which target overlaps the most (lots of work)
  • Use filter: invert(1); when tapping on too many cards; ones you can't pick up are inverted? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/filter-function/invert
  • save stats on game over
  • ensure stats are reloaded when "about" dialog is displayed
  • change og image to just be the icon