Second Life skeleton definition file loader script for Blender 3.4

This script loads the file avatar_skeleton.xml, also known as the skeleton definition file (see Avatar Appearance - Linden skeleton definition file).

NOTE: before to use it remember to modify the file path accordingly to the location of the file on your disk. Usually, on Windows, it is C:\\Program Files\\SecondLifeViewer\\character\\avatar_skeleton.xml. Double slashes are required in Python for Windows style paths.


To use the script create a new Blender document (menu File -> New -> General), open a Text Editor view, SHIFT F11, open the script (menu Text -> Open or keyboard combination ALT O) and lauch it with ALT P (or menu Text -> Run Script).

It will open the skeleton definition file, parse it with Python module xml.etree (included in the Blender Python interpreter) and create the entire Bento skeleton hierarchy with all the skeleton extensions (both Fitted Mesh and Bento), bone groups and collision bones (also called collision volumes).

The script is not meant to load multiple skeletons.

Further features (like Blender add-on functionalities) will be added in the future. Hopefully: near future!