
jQuery MVC Extensions. jQuery extensions that makes all the annoying stuff easier.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  A.  How to get (and contribute) to JMVC

A.  How to get (and contribute) JMVC

  1.  Start a new project in git.
  2.  Fork ....
           http://github.com/jupiterjs/steal     and 
  3.  Add steal and javascriptmvc as submodules of your project...
           git submodule add git@github.com:_YOU_/steal.git steal
           git submodule add git@github.com:_YOU_/jquerymx.git jquery
      * Notice javascriptmvc is under the jquery folder
  4.  Learn a little more about submodules ...
  5.  Make changes in steal or jmvc, and push them back to your fork.
  6.  Make a pull request to your fork.