
Integration tests to run on Endless OS in OpenQA

Primary LanguagePerlGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Endless OS OpenQA tests

This repository contains a set of tests for Endless OS which get run on our OpenQA instance (https://openqa.endlessm.com/) for every OS image build produced by our image builder.


The bulk of the documentation for these tests is in the wiki, which provides an overview and a guide to writing new tests:

OpenQA itself provides various pieces of documentation:

Test naming

Any test named with a leading underscore is part of the setup/teardown architecture, rather than testing a specific feature. Some combination of these tests is run as part of every test job.

Any test with desktop_ as a prefix is a simple smoketest for launching a specific application from the desktop and checking its basic functionality (typically, that it starts and its main window looks correct).


Each test scheduled by OpenQA is essentially a dictionary of variables which control how the test is run. Many of these variables are well-known to OpenQA, and control which OS image and worker are used to run the test, and how the VM is set up.

Some of these variables are documented in the OpenQA documentation and os-autoinst documentation.

Other variables are well-known to the test harness, and control which test modules are loaded from the tests/ directory. These affect the control flow in main.pm, and are documented below. Common OpenQA/os-autoinst variables have been included too, for convenience.

Variable Values allowed Default value Description
ARCH x86_64, arm Undefined Architecture the image was built for and the test will be run on. Understood by os-autoinst.
BOOTFROM String Undefined Sets the boot order for QEMU. See documentation for qemu -boot for accepted values and their meanings. Understood by os-autoinst.
BUILD String Undefined EIB_BUILD_VERSION from eos-image-builder. Understood by OpenQA.
DISTRI String Undefined EIB_PRODUCT from eos-image-builder. Understood by OpenQA.
EOS_IMAGE_FLATPAK_APPS Space-separated list of flatpak refs Empty List of flatpak apps preinstalled on the image. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
EOS_IMAGE_FLATPAK_REMOTES Space-separated list of flatpak remote names Empty List of flatpak remotes preconfigured on the image. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
EOS_IMAGE_FLATPAK_RUNTIMES Space-separated list of flatpak refs Empty List of flatpak runtimes preinstalled on the image. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
EOS_IMAGE_FLATPAK_LOCALES Space-separated list of flatpak locales Empty List of locales downloaded when pulling flatpak refs on the image. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
EOS_IMAGE_LANGUAGE LANG variable value Undefined Language the image is configured to use by default. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
EOS_IMAGE_OSTREE_COLLECTION_ID OSTree collection ID Undefined Collection ID of the collection–ref used for the OS. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
EOS_IMAGE_OSTREE_COMMIT OSTree commit checksum Undefined Commit checksum of the deployed OS. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
EOS_IMAGE_OSTREE_DATE ISO 8601 date/time Undefined Timestamp of the commit of the deployed OS. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
EOS_IMAGE_OSTREE_REF OSTree ref name Undefined Ref name of the collection–ref used for the OS. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
EOS_IMAGE_OSTREE_REMOTE OSTree remote name Undefined Remote name of the refspec used for the OS. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
EOS_IMAGE_TYPE boot, full, iso Undefined Type of image this test is (or is to be) installed from; the type of image the SUT is booted from. From the images dictionary in the manifest.json file. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
EOS_PLATFORM String Undefined EIB_PLATFORM from eos-image-builder. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
FBE_TEST Space separated list of test names, string Undefined The given tests should be run, in order, in the install/first boot phase of main.pm, instead of installation and the normal _fbe.pm test. Each test name should refer to an existing tests/$(name).pm module in eos-openqa-tests. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
FLAVOR String Undefined ${EIB_PERSONALITY}_{boot,full,iso}{,_update}, from eos-image-builder. Understood by OpenQA.
HDD_1_DECOMPRESS_URL URI Undefined URI of a .img.xz or .img.gz file to download and boot the system under test from. Understood by OpenQA.
ISO_URL URI Undefined URI of a .iso file to download and boot the system under test from. Understood by OpenQA.
LIVE Boolean False The test is running on a live system rather than being installed. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
OS_UPDATE_TO OS version number string Undefined EOS should be updated after installation, and the tests should expect that the update results in running the given OS version (as checked against /etc/os-release). If this variable is not set, the OS will not be updated. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
OS_UPDATE_TO_STAGE dev demo prod
POSTINSTALL Space separated list of test names, string Undefined The given tests should be run, in order, in the post-install phase of main.pm, after logging in to GDM. Each test name should refer to an existing tests/$(name).pm module in eos-openqa-tests. Specific to eos-openqa-tests.
PUBLISH_HDD_1 Filename for HDD image, string Undefined Publicly publish a qcow2 image of the VM’s HDD after the test completes successfully, using the given filename for it. Understood by os-autoinst.
START_AFTER_TEST Test name, string Undefined Schedule this test to be run only once the given test has completed, as an ordering constraint. Understood by OpenQA.
STORE_HDD_1 Filename for HDD image, string Undefined As for PUBLISH_HDD_1, but store the image privately, so it can only be used by other tests within this test job. Understood by os-autoinst.
VERSION String Undefined EIB_BRANCH from eos-image-builder. Understood by os-autoinst.

Update tests

One of the key goals of the OpenQA testing is to automatically test OS updates between different releases of Endless OS. Specifically, we care about the cases:

  • For a new minor release 3.$old on an old branch, we want to run all the tests on 3.$old, and we want to update to and run the update tests on 3.$latest.
  • For a new release 3.$latest, we want to run all the tests on 3.$latest, and we want to update from and run the update tests on 3.$latest-1, 3.$latest-2, 3.$latest-3, etc.

‘The update tests’ may be all tests, or a critical subset of them.

The OS_UPDATE_TO variable controls whether an OS update is performed after installation. So in those cases above:

  • For a new minor release 3.$old, trigger tests on 3.$old without OS_UPDATE_TO; and trigger tests on 3.$old with OS_UPDATE_TO=3.$latest.
  • For a new release 3.$latest, trigger tests on 3.$latest without OS_UPDATE_TO; and trigger tests on each of 3.$latest-1..n with OS_UPDATE_TO=3.$latest.

It’s expected that tests aren’t triggered from before the most recent checkpoint, since the update code in _os_update.pm will not successfully update through a checkpoint, and checkpoints provide an obvious place to break long update chains. The idea is that if a system passes the tests after upgrading to version 3.$checkpoint, it should pass the tests after upgrading onwards from that version. This behaviour could, however, be changed in future by expanding _os_update.pm to deal with checkpoints.

Note that these update tests don’t cover testing the situation where the user installed 3.$x, then stepwise update 3.$x → 3.$x+1 → 3.$x+2 → 3.$x+3 → …. We will always end up testing the largest update step possible. In order to test stepwise updates we’d need to keep intermediate qcow2 images around from historic test runs. We do not currently do that.