
TMS99105/110 OPCODES

AlexanderAdelAU opened this issue · 7 comments

Hello - just for your info, some of the opcodes associated with the TMS99105 are missing, for example



Good idea; I'll add them in the next release.

I did forget to add the TMS99000 (covers both 99105 and 99110) opcodes to the current release 3.1.0, but I did add them afterwards. Since I have no TMS99000 reference, could you please check if syntax and output is correct? I'll then push the additions to GitHub (not as a separate release, but for downloading).


Another question is if all mnemonics of the 9900 are implemented identically in the 99000. Worded differently, is there a 9900 instruction that would be encoded differently in the 99000? I didn't compare datasheets, as that would take quite a while.

No rush, Alex! Take your time, I have plenty of other stuff to do. :-)

I pushed the 99000/105 support to GitHub now. To use it, please copy the xas99.py executable directly for now, as I still have to make a new release some time later.

If you find anything wrong, please let me now.