
Ridley from Super Metroid made for MUGEN

Primary LanguageBatchfile

OBS: This character was released in 2010, I'm posting it here just for archiving purposes.

Ridley - Beta Version 0.5 WIP
Author: Endoedgarjunior

Please, if you warehouse this, always update your version because I HATE to see videos that my char is outdated.

Visit my Youtube channel here: (subscribe if you want to know about new updates)
or my website:

Visit RogelioVela's Website too, he have good stuff there:

This character is free!! Dont pay for it (if you did it, claim your money back)!!

Sorry my bad english :P


Nintendo - Thank you for making Super Metroid
Elecbyte - Thank you for making MUGEN
SemiJuggalo - Ridley sprites ripped by him
Bia - Homing Projectile Code